Monday, August 10, 2009

Here we go...

Okay.. Sis.. Im blogging again... better hold on tight. LOL

On any given day I encounter people who make me believe that our society is doomed.

Every night on the news, we hear of Obama's master plans.. to take away from the rich (the evil ones) and give to the poor (oh, those helpless ones).. Obama thinks that doing so is the answer.. that once he achieves his goal humanity will be better for it... what grand delusions of of grandure that man has.

Does he not realize that there are flaws in his plan beyond measure... that he is absolutely destroying everything this nation was built on. I believe tho, that is ultimately his plan. It must be.

First, I am sooo far from rich it isn't funny. However, I realize that those that are rich serve their purpose to some degree. It are those individuals who fund companies... who provide jobs.. it is trickle down. Am I happy that they are rich and Im not.. heck no.. but I understand the role they play.

Obama's answer is to cater to the needs of the poor and under priviledged. That absolutely drives me crazy. Instead of motivating citizens to take an active role in our society, for rewarding success, and to encourage everyone to prosper, Obama is feeding into the mentality that it is governments job to take care of those that are unwilling to put forth the effort to succeed. We have bred hundreds of thousands of individuals who live their life with their hand out and without any intention of supporting themselves let alone their countless children.

For years, I have been warned that in all likelihood, there will not be Social Security available to me when I am elderly. I believe that to be true... that system is broken... thus the Government continues to take my money on a daily basis with the empty promise that I will be able to collect when my time comes. I truly wish that people would look at that program for not only what it is (a failure) but how that one program is just a glimpse into our nations future.

It isn't the elderly who depend on Social Security that has bankrupted the program. Those individuals spent their entire lives building this country through their hard work and earned every dime they put into the system. No, it isn't those people. Instead it is the much younger group of individuals who (due to choices such as drug and alcohol abuse and others) have hooked themselves up to Social Security like it was an IV to feed off of. The huge majority of them have found themselves in that position purely due to poor choices..

Poor choices... wow.. what a loaded issue huh? Gonna have to wait for the next blog to find out. :)