Friday, May 8, 2009

The learning curve

I have discovered that being able to put my thoughts down in writing, is a huge tool for me. Just getting the thoughts out of my head (whether they are actually read or not) seems to help me digest things and improves my sense of well being. It allows me to take a step back and look at things from a distance.

After some people (Thanks Carrie & Stevie) have expressed their belief in my abilities. That after reading my few blogs on my myspace page, that they believe I have a talent with the written word. I have always been a reader and have secretly dreamed of writing to an audience. I have decided that starting a daily blog may be the best course of action for me to take to discover whether I can truly reach my dream of writing a book.

I anticipate that this blog will be filled with so many different topics... depending on the day... my mood... and the things that are going on around me. I hope that those in my life may find it interesting and a good way to take a peak into my head on a regular basis. Some of you may find that I am writing about YOU... but I promise that when possible or irrelevant, I will allow specific names to go without mention. It is my hope that I can/will find the time daily to open the door into my world to each of you and invite you in. To show you a glimpse into my perspective on things and share this journey with you.

I hope that you will enjoy this journey with me... it is certainly a learning curve.


  1. I'm glad you've decided to document your own journey. You'll learn a lot about yourself through the process of documenting your experiences and emotions. I know I have with my blog. Enjoy, always be honest ESPECIALLY when it's difficult and you'll be amazed not only about your own revelations, but the connections you will make with complete strangers through your blog.

  2. Good luck with this Jen - I wish I could write my thoughts, feelings, etc...down..............maybe after I keep reading yours, you will inspire me to start writing!
