Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Proud to be his Mom...

This blog isn't what I had anticipated writing tonight... I had actually had a blog brewing/festering in my head all day today... but life sometimes takes an unexpected turn... and sometimes those turns are well worth the detour...

This evening my son JP and I went to my best friends house to celebrate her son Aaron's 17Th birthday (Say it isn't so) with our wonderful HUGE group of friends. This group of friends, we have been together for years... our lives intertwine in unexpected ways... and all though we don't always agree or share the same philosophy, we are 100% supportive. One of the greatest advantages of having such an involved large group of friends is that you grow together and the bonds strengthen over time... and our children form strong bonds which we hope will last a life time. Our kids range in age... 17 all the way down to 3 months (and one on the way) and each of these kids are wonderful, energetic, and unique in their own way.

During this gathering this evening, my son brought to my attention that he was upset by the way that one of the other kids (K) in our group is bullied at school. It was the first time that he had mentioned it to me, and since JP isn't one to tell tales and was honestly upset about it, I was very alarmed. After whispering to me about this for a few moments, I encouraged him to consider speaking privately with his (K's) mom my friend (J) and share with her what he has witnessing. Yes, I knew I could have easily have gone to J myself and shared what I had been told by my son, but I felt that the impact would be more helpful if JP took the action upon himself. I am proud to say that he did speak with J and that he has further decided that he feels he needs to speak with the Principal directly regarding this.

On our way home, I expressed to JP just how proud I am of him. See, JP himself has had a history of being bullied due to his short stature. Perhaps, that actually is what has made him take notice of what K has had to endure. This unexpected development has displayed to me just how much JP has begun to mature. He is truly beginning to take notice of things that are going on around him, and I can only hope and pray that he will continue to stand up for what is right without regard to what others may think of him.

I am proud of him... and always will be.

1 comment:

  1. JP stands up for what's right becasue his mom has led by example all these years. See...our kids DO pay attention to how we live our lives and you've been a great example for him the follow!
